Reversal PLA-HA Hybrid Filler


Reversal PLA-HA Hybrid Filler is an innovative hybrid dermal filler that prompts collagen production in patients’ skin cells, triggering healing and rejuvenation.


1 vial / 200 mg


Available on backorder

****By purchasing product you agree to accept all liability and agree you are a medical professional or have professional training. This product is not intended for personal or home use.

Reversal PLA-HA Hybrid Filler is an innovative hybrid dermal filler that prompts collagen production in patients’ skin cells, triggering healing and rejuvenation.

Reversal offers several advantages, including reducing facial wrinkles, boosting tissue hydration, sculpting the face, and restoring elasticity.

The primary component of Reversal PLA-HA Hybrid Filler is polylactic acid (PLA-HA), a biodegradable substance.

Reversal injections combine instant filling of skin imperfections with hyaluronic acid and strong stimulation of collagen synthesis to deliver immediate, effective, and long-lasting results.

The filler is completely metabolized within a few months after injection without lingering side effects. As the product dissolves at the injection site, the newly formed collagen remains, extending the filler’s effect for up to 2 years.

Benefits of Reversal PLA-HA Hybrid Filler:

  • Effectively launches production of new collagen fibers and activates tissue regeneration
  • Accurately and evenly fills the resulting irregularities in the skin
  • Reconstructs the dermis, gives clarity to the contours of the face
  • Keeps skin toned
  • Reinforces effect due to the presence of polylactic and hyaluronic acid in the filler
  • Restores normal nutrition and hydration of tissue
  • The result of the correction looks natural, and the patient’s facial expression does not change.
  • Facial contouring, reinforcement of oval face
  • Elimination of wrinkles(eyebrow, frontal, periorbital, nasolabial, buccal, and submental folds)
  • Correction of age-related tissue changes (hollow cheeks, temples, and sagging skin)

Indications for Reversal PLA-HA Hybrid Filler:

  • Improves general condition of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté
  • Loss of tissue volume, asymmetry
  • Rejuvenation of the hands
  • Chin correction; Increase in cheekbones
  • Dry, thin skin with fine wrinkles
  • Premaxillary folds
  • Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes
  • Wrinkles around the mouth
  • Nasolabial folds

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1 vial / 200 mg
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**Please note this product has contraindications for use. It is recommended that all Healthcare professionals familiarize themselves with these contraindications and precautions by reading the instructions provided.


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reversal-pla-ha-hybrid-filler-200mgReversal PLA-HA Hybrid Filler

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