Best Numbing Cream for PMU

Permanent makeup, or PMU, has become increasingly popular in recent years. The procedure uses tattoos to make the skin look like it has makeup, like eyeliner, lip color, or defined eyebrows. While the results can be long-lasting and save time in daily makeup routines, the process can also be uncomfortable. This article will discuss the benefits of why using the best numbing cream for PMU for a more comfortable and successful permanent makeup experience.

What is PMU Numbing Cream?

PMU numbing cream is a topical anesthetic applied to the skin before a permanent makeup procedure. It is a tattoo-numbing cream that blocks the nerve signals in the area, numbs the skin, and reduces pain. Numbing the skin allows for a more comfortable experience during the procedure.

lip-pmuReduced Pain and Discomfort

The most obvious benefit of using PMU numbing cream is reducing pain and discomfort during the procedure. Permanent makeup involves using needles, which can be uncomfortable for some people. By using a numbing cream, the sensation of pain is significantly reduced, making the process more tolerable.
Is Permanent Make-up Painful?

NeuroMed BLT Numbing Cream

NeuroMed BLT Numbing Cream is a topical anesthetic cream that combines three active ingredients: Benzocaine, Lidocaine, and Tetracaine. BLT numbing cream is an anesthetic to numb the skin and underlying tissues. NeuroMed BLT Numbing Cream is an anesthetic numbing skin and underlying tissues. It is the best numbing cream for PMU and other medical or aesthetic treatments involving pain or discomfort. It is also commonly used in microneedling, tattooing, laser hair removal, electrolysis, PRP, plasma fibroblast skin therapy, and minor surgical procedures. Neuromed BLT Numbing Cream

Increased Precision and Accuracy

When the skin is numb, the technician can work more precisely and accurately, especially for delicate areas such as the eyes or lips. The numbing cream helps the technician focus on shaping and coloring without making the client uncomfortable.

Faster Procedure Time

Since the numbing cream reduces the sensation of pain, the technician can work more efficiently and quickly. Overall, procedure time is reduced, making it more convenient for the client and the technician.

Reduced Swelling and Bleeding

In addition to reducing pain, PMU numbing cream can help reduce swelling and bleeding during the procedure. PMU numbing cream constricts the blood vessels, reducing the amount of blood flow to the area. That, alone, can result in less swelling and bleeding, which can help with the healing process.

Longer Lasting Results

The technician can work more precisely and accurately using a numbing cream, resulting in longer-lasting results. That is because the pigment is placed in the skin at a consistent depth, which can help prevent fading or unevenness over time.
Using Lidocaine Products Safely


Using the best numbing cream for PMU can greatly improve the permanent makeup experience for the client and the technician. It reduces pain and discomfort, increases precision and accuracy, and can even result in longer-lasting results.

Before getting permanent makeup, ask your technician about using numbing cream to feel more comfortable during the procedure.

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