Best Numbing Cream for PMU

PMU (Permanent Makeup)

Permanent Makeup (PMU) refers to cosmetic techniques that utilize tattoos to produce designs that resemble makeup, such as eyelining and other permanent enhancing colors to the skin of the face, lips, and eyelids. It’s a form of cosmetic tattooing that offers long-lasting beauty solutions.

PMU plays a significant role in enhancing natural features, saving time in daily beauty routines, and restoring confidence to individuals who have lost facial features due to medical conditions or aging.

Numbing Creams

Numbing creams are topical anesthetics that temporarily numb the skin to mitigate pain or discomfort during various procedures, including PMU.

These creams offer several benefits such as minimizing pain during the procedure, reducing anxiety for the client, and enabling a smoother and quicker application process for the practitioner.

Key ingredients typically include lidocaine, tetracaine, benzocaine, or a combination thereof, designed to effectively block nerve signals in the skin, hence providing pain relief.

Best Numbing Creams for PMU

  • Product 1: LeedFrost 10.56% Lidocaine Cream

    Features: This cream offers one of the highest concentrations of lidocaine available, ensuring deep penetration and lasting numbness throughout the PMU procedure.

    Reviews: Highly praised for its rapid onset and efficacy, making it a preferred choice among PMU professionals.

  • Product 2: Progelcaine 9.6% Lidocaine Gel

    Features: A gel formulation that provides a cooling effect on application, enhancing comfort during the numbing process.

    Reviews: Professionals commend it for its ease of application and effectiveness in sensitive areas.

  • Product 3: TKTX Gold Numbing Cream

    Features: Boasts a 23% lidocaine content, designed for procedures requiring an extended numbing duration.

    Reviews: Known for its long-lasting effect, it’s ideal for lengthy PMU sessions.

  • Product 4: TKTX Green Numbing Cream

    Features: Contains 16% lidocaine, suitable for individuals with less tolerance to high-strength numbing creams.

    Reviews: Popular for its balanced formulation, providing effective numbing without over-penetration.

  • Product 5: Cosmic Tattoo Numbing Spray

    Features: A spray formulation that provides an instant numbing effect, perfect for quick touch-ups or corrections.

    Reviews: Favored for its convenience and rapid action, especially in finishing stages of PMU.

Choosing the Right Numbing Cream

Factors to Consider
When selecting a numbing cream for PMU, consider the cream’s active ingredients, concentration, onset time, and duration of effect to match the specific needs of the procedure.

Tips for Selection
Always opt for reputable brands and products specifically formulated for PMU. Conduct a patch test to assess skin sensitivity and consult with a professional for personalized recommendations.

Application of Numbing Cream

Apply a generous amount of the cream to the treatment area and cover it with plastic wrap to enhance absorption. Wait for the recommended amount of time before starting the procedure.

Ensure the skin is clean before application and avoid using numbing cream on broken or irritated skin. Monitor for adverse reactions and adhere to the product’s guidelines.

Alternatives to Numbing Creams

Other Pain Relief Options
Options include over-the-counter pain relievers taken before the procedure, ice packs to dull sensation, or prescription medications for those with high sensitivity.

Natural Remedies
Some practitioners and clients prefer natural options like essential oils or mindfulness techniques to reduce discomfort and anxiety during PMU procedures.

Best Numbing Cream for PMU

Additional Resources:

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