Professional Numbing Cream For Microneedling

Benefits of Using Professional Numbing Cream for Microneedling

At Medical Aesthetic Supply, we understand the importance of client comfort during microneedling sessions. The use of professional numbing cream for microneedling not only enhances the client’s experience by minimizing discomfort but also allows for a more thorough treatment. An effective numbing cream can lead to better outcomes as it enables professionals to work with greater precision, knowing that their client is comfortable throughout the procedure.

How to Choose the Best Professional Numbing Cream for Microneedling

Consider Lidocaine Concentration

One of the primary factors to consider when choosing a numbing cream is the lidocaine concentration. For instance, our LeedFrost 10.56% Lidocaine Cream offers a potent formula suited for more sensitive procedures, while our Progelcaine 9.6% Lidocaine Gel provides a milder option.

Evaluate the Cream’s Base

Whether a cream or gel, the base of the numbing product can affect its absorption and effectiveness. Creams like our TKTX range offer various options catering to different procedural requirements and skin sensitivities.

Common Ingredients in Professional Numbing Creams for Microneedling

Professional numbing creams often contain active ingredients such as lidocaine, tetracaine, and benzocaine. Our TKTX Gold Numbing Cream, for instance, features a high concentration of lidocaine at 23%, making it ideal for more intensive treatments. These ingredients work by temporarily blocking nerve signals in the skin, providing relief from discomfort during procedures.

Application Process for Professional Numbing Cream Before Microneedling

For optimal results, the numbing cream should be applied to clean, dry skin approximately 20 to 30 minutes before the microneedling session. A generous layer should be evenly spread over the area to be treated, ensuring full coverage. It’s crucial not to rub in the cream; instead, let it sit on the surface of the skin to form a barrier that numbs efficiently.

Duration of Numbing Effect from Professional Numbing Cream for Microneedling

The duration of the numbing effect can vary depending on the cream’s formulation and the individual’s skin type. Typically, the numbing effect of creams like our LeedFrost and Progelcaine begins within 20 to 30 minutes of application and can last throughout the microneedling procedure, ensuring the client remains comfortable.

Safety Precautions When Using Professional Numbing Cream for Microneedling

While numbing creams are safe for most clients, it is essential to conduct a patch test before application to ensure there are no allergic reactions. Professionals should also be mindful of the cream’s ingredients and avoid use on clients with known sensitivities. Additionally, it is crucial to follow the recommended application time to prevent any adverse effects.

Alternatives to Professional Numbing Cream for Microneedling

For clients who prefer not to use numbing creams or cannot due to sensitivities, there are a few alternatives. Techniques such as cooling the skin with ice packs before treatment or using a vibrational anesthetic device can also help minimize discomfort. However, it’s important to note that these methods may not provide the same level of comfort as a professional numbing cream.

At Medical Aesthetic Supply, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive range of professional numbing creams for microneedling, ensuring licensed professionals have access to the best products to enhance patient comfort. Our selection, including our LeedFrost, Progelcaine, and TKTX range, provides options to suit various needs and preferences. By prioritizing the use of professional-grade numbing creams, professionals can significantly improve the client experience during microneedling procedures.

Additional Resources:

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