The Significance of Numbing Cream in Microneedling

Introduction to the World of Professional Numbing Cream for Microneedling

At Medical Aesthetic Supply, nestled in the heart of St. Louis, MO, we’re passionate about elevating the client experience during aesthetic procedures. Among the myriad of products we offer, professional numbing cream for microneedling holds a place of distinction. Microneedling, a revolutionary skin rejuvenation technique, can be a bit daunting due to the discomfort it might cause. Here, we dive into the essence of professional numbing cream for microneedling – your ally in ensuring a comfortable, anxiety-free treatment session for your clients.

The Significance of Numbing Cream in Microneedling

Why Use Numbing Cream?

Imagine transforming a potentially uncomfortable procedure into a serene experience for your clients. That’s the magic of incorporating professional numbing cream into microneedling sessions. Designed to temporarily dull the skin’s sensitivity, these creams are a pre-treatment step that cannot be overlooked. They contain active ingredients like lidocaine, which effectively blocks nerve signals, ensuring clients are comfortable and relaxed throughout their treatment.

Choosing the Right Numbing Cream

With a plethora of options on the market, it becomes imperative to select a numbing cream that is both effective and safe. The professional numbing cream for microneedling we advocate for includes products like LeedFrost 10.56% Lidocaine Cream and Progelcaine 9.6% Lidocaine Gel. These products strike an ideal balance between efficacy and safety, making them perfect choices for various skin types and microneedling depths.

Optimal Application Techniques for Numbing Cream

Maximizing the efficiency of professional numbing cream for microneedling goes beyond selection; it’s also about the art of application. A generous, even layer applied to the treatment area about 20 to 30 minutes prior ensures the cream has ample time to take effect. It’s vital to cover the area with a plastic wrap to enhance absorption, following it up with a thorough cleansing to ensure a sterile field for microneedling.

Insights from Experience

Over the years, we’ve learned that the little details make a big difference. For instance, reminding clients to avoid anti-inflammatory medication several days before treatment can enhance the efficacy of the numbing cream. Sharing these nuggets of wisdom not only prepares clients but also fosters a relationship built on trust and expert guidance.

Top Numbing Cream Recommendations

  • LeedFrost 10.56% Lidocaine Cream: Ideal for sensitive skin, providing profound numbing without the harsh chemicals.

  • Progelcaine 9.6% Lidocaine Gel: Offers a silky texture that’s easy to apply and remove, making it a favorite among professionals.

  • TKTX Gold Numbing Cream: With 23% lidocaine, it’s perfect for more intensive treatments, ensuring comfort for hours.

Enhancing Client Care with Numbing Cream

Integrating professional numbing cream for microneedling into your practice is more than a protocol; it’s a statement of your commitment to client care. By choosing high-quality products and applying them with attention to detail, you elevate the entire treatment experience. This commitment to comfort not only sets your services apart but also contributes to a loyal clientele that values your dedication to their well-being.

Post-Treatment Care and Numbing Cream

Immediate Aftercare

Post-microneedling care is crucial for maximizing the benefits of the treatment and minimizing any potential discomfort or swelling. Encourage clients to keep their skin hydrated and to apply a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer. This aftercare routine complements the initial numbing process, ensuring a smooth and speedy recovery.

Long-term Skin Care

In the days following microneedling, advise clients to continue avoiding direct sun exposure and to use a high-SPF sunscreen. Incorporating gentle, hydrating products into their skincare regimen can help maintain the results of microneedling, keeping the skin looking radiant and healthy.

At Medical Aesthetic Supply, we believe in empowering licensed professionals with not just products, but solutions that enhance the client experience. Professional numbing cream for microneedling plays a pivotal role in this endeavor, providing a bridge to more comfortable, less intimidating treatments. By choosing the right products and applying them thoughtfully, we can transform the narrative around aesthetic procedures, making them accessible and enjoyable experiences for all involved.

Top Numbing Cream Recommendations

Which Numbing Cream to Use for Microneedling?

Choosing the right numbing cream for microneedling involves a balance between efficacy and safety. At Medical Aesthetic Supply, we often recommend LeedFrost 10.56% Lidocaine Cream for those with sensitive skin. Its concentration is high enough to provide profound numbing without the harsh effects. However, for more intensive treatments, TKTX Gold Numbing Cream with 23% lidocaine is our go-to. It ensures comfort for hours, making it perfect for deeper microneedling sessions. Remember, the specific needs of your client’s skin and the depth of the microneedling treatment should guide your choice.

What Numbing Cream Do Estheticians Use?

Estheticians lean towards numbing creams that are both versatile and effective across different skin types and treatments. Progelcaine 9.6% Lidocaine Gel is a popular choice among professionals for its silky texture, easy application, and removal. It’s suitable for a wide range of aesthetic procedures, including microneedling, making it a favorite in the industry. The key is finding a product that provides the right level of numbing without compromising the skin’s health or the effectiveness of the treatment.

What Numbing Agent is Used for Microneedling?

Lidocaine is the most commonly used numbing agent in professional settings for microneedling procedures. Its effectiveness in blocking nerve signals ensures that clients can enjoy a comfortable and anxiety-free treatment session. Whether in the form of a cream or a gel, products containing lidocaine, like LeedFrost 10.56% Lidocaine Cream or Progelcaine 9.6% Lidocaine Gel, are staples in the aesthetic field for preparing the skin for microneedling.

What Numbing Cream is Used in Skinpen?

The SkinPen procedure, being a specific brand of microneedling, demands a high-quality numbing cream to ensure client comfort. While the choice of numbing cream can vary based on the professional’s preference and the client’s skin type, a high-lidocaine content cream such as TKTX Gold Numbing Cream is often used due to its long-lasting numbing effect. This is particularly beneficial for treatments that might require a bit more time to complete, ensuring the client remains comfortable throughout the session.

How Can Incorporating Numbing Cream Enhance Client Care in Microneedling Procedures?

Incorporating a professional numbing cream into your microneedling practice goes beyond the physical comfort it provides; it’s a testament to your commitment to client care. When clients know that their comfort is a priority, it enhances their trust and confidence in your services. This not only elevates the client experience but also sets your practice apart, fostering a loyal clientele. Always take the time to explain the benefits and safety measures of the numbing cream you’re using–this transparency builds trust and ensures clients are well-informed about their treatment.

How Does Numbing Cream Fit into the Post-Treatment Care Process?

While numbing cream plays a critical role in preparing the skin for microneedling, its relevance extends to the post-treatment care process as well. Encouraging clients to keep their skin hydrated and to apply a gentle moisturizer complements the initial numbing process by ensuring a smooth and speedy recovery. Additionally, advising clients on the importance of avoiding anti-inflammatory medication several days before and after the treatment can optimize the numbing effect and enhance healing. Ultimately, a comprehensive approach to care, that includes the judicious use of numbing cream, is key to maximizing the benefits of microneedling and ensuring client satisfaction.


  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of various products, including numbing creams.

  • American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) – The AAD provides valuable information on skin health, treatments, and procedures, offering insights on the use of numbing creams in dermatological practices.

  • Mayo Clinic – Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education, and research, providing evidence-based information on medical topics, including skin treatments.

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